Saturday, May 27, 2006
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Wow! Very beautiful! A friend of mine is taking a trip there soon, herself! I hope you have a great time!
I haven't really *introduced* myself. My name is Carrie, and I'm a neonatal nurse in Philadelphia. I've enjoyed reading your blog quite a bit! I did link to it from my own blog. Also discovered Shrink Rap via the posts you made about it here and have enjoyed reading their blog as well!
Have a great vacation! Take care!
Carrie :)
Have a great vacation!
OH!!! I want to be there! Actually I want to be on Maui...but same idea!! Next summer...can't wait.
Makes me want pineapple and coconut. Have fun.
...a great place to eat is The Tryst just off of Kuhio, on Kaulani or Kanekapolei, upstairs, sit in the Lanai in the has a film-noir atmosphere and the best food we ate when we were there last year, not crowded...
Oh, and I am sooooooo jealous!
Have a great break!
Oh that looks nice! Have a wonderful vacation :)
Now THAT'S a gorgeous photo, and what a great place to vacation. Have a wonderful time!
Okay Dr. Shrinkette - You've tortured us quite long enough with this "I'm in Hawaii and you're not..." post.
Time to get back to the world of work, patients and blogs!
So, how was the trip?
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