Thursday, September 23, 2004

Brave new blog

University of Oregon students have returned to Eugene. They are having some sort of bacchanalia in the park behind my house. I'm sitting here wondering, how should a psychiatrist blog? Google doesn't seem to know. None of the search results are helpful. I'm trying to learn from colleagues' blogs. They comment on cases, and explain treatments, but they never give details or specific advice about treatments. They are completely confidential, with no inkling of patients' private information. (I haven't put my own name on my site, to add another layer of confidentialty, but some colleagues are braver.)
I'm paging through my reference books, with chapters like "Psychiatrists' Relationships With the General Public." Yikes - this one says that" the American Psychiatric Association once conducted a nationwide poll of its members to evaluate the mental health of a presidential candidate." It doesn't say which one. My own posts have tended toward urging people to restrain themselves from hurling diagnoses at candidates. That's almost my theme.
Anyway, there are comments about "being prepared for the public's reaction to psychiatry," - their fears, ambivalence, distrust, disbelief, stereotyping, and scorn. "Try not to be defensive," counsels the book in my lap.
There's a section about talking to reporters, and I'm wondering if that advice will help me. Blogging isn't like talking to the media; it's talking to anyone who wants to listen, every day, and dealing with some of the comments. But there are constraints on what I can say. "Keep the discussion general," it says. "Make it clear when you are just speaking for yourself, and when you are speaking generally for your profession." Have I been doing that? Excuse me while I scroll down for a bit, and check things out....


Blogger aafan said...

Dear Dr. Choi, Thanks for directing me to that post. Good heavens! As a psychiatrist, I'm trying not to be defensive!

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're doing great so far. I like that you discuss broad topics without going into too many details. Just keep posting about the things that are important to you, whether it's the weather or something that happened in clinic that made think. Good luck. I really enjoy your writing. :)


8:25 PM  
Blogger D.P. said...

I love your blog! I don't think you have anything to worry about . . .

10:50 AM  
Blogger Doc said...

I am a semi-retired, widowed, clinical psychologist. I have different blogs for different purposes. Here on Blogger, I am SoloShrink and blog about freeware or frugal software useful to mental health providers in private practice. My primary blog is on MSN Spaces, and is simply a reflection of myself, situations over a 30 year hospital career, learning, poetry, my own anxiety and depression, and so on, to convey that a title does not magically immunize the therapist from the very disorders treated in others. If you are interested in this non-technical style, see Wishing you well.
Peace, Doc

5:24 PM  

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