Sunday, April 30, 2006


NYT Magazine:
"On the day after Hitler arrived in Vienna, a gang of Nazis stormed into Freud's apartment, at 19 Berggasse. They ransacked the place and made off with a fairly large sum of money. ('I never got so much for a single session,' Freud, never at a loss, observed.) They only left, it is said, when the old man, trembling and frail, appeared from out of his consulting room and fixed them in his long-practiced stare. The Nazis, the story continues, scrambled for the door."
If Nazis invaded my stare would be...useless.


Blogger Joel said...

Maybe they were afraid he'd uncover an Oedipal relationship?

1:06 AM  
Blogger Medicoglia, RN said...

Don't discount your stare so guys are scary! *only half joking...clears throat and looks around nervously* ;)

10:16 AM  

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