Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day, originally uploaded by Donna C..

I'm on call again. If your Mother's Days are rough, Dr. Serani has a post for you.

Must get to work now!

Update: Dr. Flea observes that the translations are a bit mangled. I suppose it's too late for me to issue a Denial of Responsibility for accuracy in French, Portuguese, etc. It looks like some fine sentiments did not survive Google translator (or some such application). I do hope all moms are happy, anyway!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz from I Speak of Dreams. Thanks for the images--hope your on-call day is light and troublefree.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Big Lebowski Store said...

Can I be a jerk, now that it's no longer mother's day?

That card you show in the picture? I'm not a scholar of French or Portuguese, but I speak them both passably. What appears to say "Happy Mother's Day" in both those languages says something like "Happy Day of the Mom", without bothering to translate the last word!

Funny. Where'd you find this?



2:27 AM  
Blogger Big Lebowski Store said...


In French, it says " The Day of the Happy Mom" (not even close). The Portuguese, to its right, says sort of the same thing without translating "mom".


2:29 AM  
Blogger aafan said...

Flea: LOL!! I found this on Flickr. The sentiment is fine, even if the translation is off...

9:32 PM  

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